Month: July 2020
Charity ‘Unlocked ‘During ‘Lockdown’

St. Francis Convent, Jhansi All of us with the mindset of doing something for the needy, gathered enthusiastically to prepare hundreds of food kits each of that contained 5kg wheat flour, 1kg dhal, 500gm oil, turmeric, coriander and chilli powder of 100gm each and 1 kg salt. The beneficiaries of these kits were the migrant
31 days with Mary Ward

Until the pandemic that has changed our world, Saturday 18 July would have been the first day of what was to be General Congregation 2020. For the period from 17 July to 16 August we had planned to share a text from Mary Ward’s writings and an accompanying image on the GC website each day
Some thoughts during the COVID 19 pandemic from the York Friends of Mary Ward

Teaching during this period of Lockdown. “Teaching in these times of COVID has been challenging. Some classes have been on Google, then there have been parents on the phone and now some pupils face to face at last. The examinations have been cancelled but each pupil has to be graded. This has been a painstaking
Bonding we have built

A few reflections on “lockdown” at the Bar Convent March to July 2020

Overnight life changed at the Bar Convent when almost all the staff were furloughed and a few members continued to work to keep the convent safe day and night. It was so strange, no one around, no chatter from the café, shop, atrium or garden, silence. Fortunately, the weather was beautiful and the community were
Life after the Pandemic

‘ is a site I usually avoid for environmental reasons. However, it has been my lifeline in lockdown providing a ready and comprehensive source for stationary and books when shops were closed. Hence my surprise when I put in an order for a copy of Pope Francis’ ‘Life After the Pandemic’ to be informed that
Communications office for both Generalates: CJ and IBVM
From 1 June 2020, Stefania Donaera took up her post as the new communications officer for the two branches of Mary Ward’s institute. Stefania’s appointment was a joint initiative of the two General Leadership teams. She has her office in Casa Loreto, Via Massaua, but will work equally for both congregations. This is another concrete
Dear Covid-19….

Dear Covid-19, what a “surprise” you wanted to give us all! You came out of nowhere, a virus as invisible as it is aggressive, and within a few months, you completely changed the order of our lives. We suddenly found ourselves, one person before and another person after, in every part of the world, having
Thank you!

For almost two months, our website has been updated with your testimonies and reflections on how the Provinces and Regions, communities, CJ members and our lay friends have responded and are responding to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency. Thank you all very much for having welcomed with such enthusiasm the invitation to share concrete experiences of
From the Bar Convent York – The Parable of the Boot by the door of the cafe

The boot began life, new, strong, well shaped, fit for purpose. It spent many years protecting the feet of its mistress. This was its role, this is what its life was all about. It was happy in its role. However one day its life changed completely. It had become old, out of shape, battered by