Safeguarding during the Joint ELM

The participants of the Joint ELM have now begun a three-day module on safeguarding facilitated by Tina Campbell, who has worked previously with both branches of the Institute on the issue. SAFEGUARDING DAY 3 Today was the third and final day of an intensive formation on safeguarding with our facilitator Tina Campbell. Following some time


The Regina Coeli Health Centre is located in Tsangano District, Tete Province, Mozambique. On Friday, 13 September 2024, the blessing ceremony and formal opening of the Regina Coeli Health Centre took place around 10:00 am. The event was graced by the Jesuit Fathers, Mary Ward Sisters (Congregatio Jesu Sisters), administrative authorities including the Governor of

Sunday reflection: Always forward

This reflection was prepared by David McCallum, SJ, the Executive Director of Discerning Leadership, a ministry of the Society of Jesus that fosters leadership for a synodal Church. David has been serving as one of the facilitators for the Extended Leadership Meeting in Loyola, Spain. On the Road Together 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Always forward”

ELM in Loyola: Daily recaps

At the moment, both extended leadership teams of CJ and ibvm are gathered in Loyola for their resective Extended Leadership Meetings as well as meetings together. You will find daily recaps of the meeting(s) here (newest entry first, to read eder entries, please scroll down): Daily Recaps Final day The 2024 Loyola ELM came to