Visit in Chile

Sr Pratima, one of our General Assistants, is currently visiting Chile. She is meeting with our sisters and with pupils, parents and teachers of the Mary Ward Schools. Here you see her with the CJ community in San Carlos. And here she is with Sr Elena and two of the school coordinators. She also had

Mary Ward Laudato Si: Global Action for Ecological Education

Since the launch of Ecological Education goal in November 2023, the Mary Ward JPIC Office and the JPIC local coordinators have embarked on an ambitious journey to bring ecological education to the forefront of school life. Rooted in the Mary Ward Laudato Si 7-Year Action Plan principles, this initiative united students and teachers worldwide in

Maestría en Teología Latinoamericana: New inscriptions are possible now

The University of San Salvador, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, offers Master studies in Latin American Theology, la Maestría en Teología Latinoamericana. Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ is one of the professors and has invited us to share the possibilit for new insciptions for the Master studies. The ‘Master in Latin American Theology’ wants to serve

Sr Anna on Radio Vatican

Pastoral work is one of the focal points of many sisters of the Congregatio Jesu – even if it is not always the main focus of their mission. Our general bursar, Sr Anna Schenck CJ, also takes on this task. Every Saturday in November, she interprets the Gospel of the following Sunday for the listeners

Formation Meeting in Loyola

The 2 November was the first day of the first joint meeting of IBVM and CJ on the subject of formation. On the way of Becoming One, the formators from both branches of Mary Wards Institute gather to exchange about their experiences and discern important steps for the future. We will keep you updated here

Greetings of Peace, Joy and Love.

In 1615  Mary Ward’s  spiritual experience of the Just Soul with its core values of Freedom, Justice, Sincerity and Felicity as fundamental to all the members of ‘this special state of life‘ shaped her unique charism, a spirituality different from that of the saints of her day. The interconnectedness and interrelatedness of Freedom, Justice, Sincerity