Series of reflections on all paintings of the Painted Life of Mary Ward

St. Mary’s Secondary School in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal, has created a series of videos on the Painted Life of Mary Ward. Youcan watch the whole series on their YouTube channel: Students lead us through the life and spirituality of the Venerable Mary Ward and show us how they celebrate Mary Ward Week. We invite you

Mary Ward Week 2025

Mary Ward, the foundress of our congregation, was born on 23 January 1585. She died on 31 January 1645 and we celebrate Mary Ward Week every year between her birthday and the anniversary of her death. This year too – our jubilee year 2025 – the period from 23 January to 30 January is all

Sr Nicoleta starts her mission in Cuba

Greetings from Cuba! We are very happy to share with you that Nicoleta Herciu CJ Romania, after some time in Peru, where she learned better the Spanish language and got to know the mission of our IBVM sisters, has arrived in Rodas, Cuba, to start her service in this mission. We thanks Nicoleta for her YES and also the LEP Province

New novices are already becoming one

A part of the Becoming One that is already happening in Manila! On January 3rd, four new novices, Kripa (Bangladesh, IBVM), Rose Mary (Myanmar, CJ), Marciana (Timor Leste, IBVM), and Soheli (Bangladesh, IBVM), entered into the novitiate together. from left to right: Kripa (Bangladesh, IBVM), Rose Mary (Myanmar, CJ), Marciana (Timor Leste, IBVM), and Soheli

Jubilee 2025

                                                         1st January 2025 The Jubilee Year 2025 reminds us of the Graces received by Mary Ward exactly in the Holy Year of 1625, 400 years ago, a very important moment for the whole Mary Ward family. Let us accept Pope Francis’ invitation to be PILGRIMS OF HOPE by welcoming God’s grace present in our