90 years of Congregatio Jesu in Chile

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On the morning of 18 December 1934, after almost a month of exhausting travel, the first three sisters of the Congregation arrived in Chile: Margarita María Mohr, teacher of basic education, Imelda Stumpfle, kindergarten educator and Armela Hutzler, coadjutor.

They had come with the mission to establish a new educational centre for girls. It would later be located in Maipú street, in the heart of the central area of the city of Antofagasta.

They called their school the “German School for young ladies”, highlighting its teaching of German customs and language.

This year, the school in Antofagasta together with the sisters and the network of CJ schools in Chile, celebrated the 90th anniversary of CJ presernce in Chile. They honoured the huge impact of the sisters with a performance held at the Melbourne Clark Pier replaying the first arrival of the German sisters and the foundation of what is now the Santa Maria Institute.

The sisters, teachers, pupils, parents and guests remembered our foundress Mary Ward in an emotional mass and ended the evening with a cocktail where sisters, directors, teachers, collaborators, students and alumnae gathered.

Find out more about the celebrations and follow the events in photos and videos on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reddecolegioscjch/

CJ Generalate