The University of San Salvador, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, offers Master studies in Latin American Theology, la Maestría en Teología Latinoamericana. Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ is one of the professors and has invited us to share the possibilit for new insciptions for the Master studies.
The ‘Master in Latin American Theology’ wants to serve as a bridge between the past of ‘a history of liberation’ and a still unknown and sometimes threatening future. The professors point out that they have the responsibility to pass on the theological legacy received to the next generations in a faithful and creative way. It is no good to petrify the heritage by repeating the formulas in a ‘fundamentalist’ way, but a creative fidelity is needed, a passionate struggle for a new language that has a liberating and redemptive.
Those who are interested in an inscription can find more information here