Sr Brenda Eagan from the USA is the host of a successful podcast filled with the spirit and spirituality of Mary Ward. The mission of her Love & Speak the Truth podcast is to listen, stretch and illuminate how we “find God in all things” and exemplify how “love is the driving force.”
After a very inspiring premiere season, Sr Brenda has now publishes the second season of the podcast. “The human experience is a God experience with joy and suffering. No story is off limits”, she explains. “We aim to leverage wisdom and truth in a time of disconnect and diminishment through listening and love. We invite all to grow in spiritual and emotional intelligence with synodal conversation.”
Discover Brendas talks with members of the Mary Ward Family, with sisters and lay persons and listen to their insights in the spirituality of St Ignatius and Venerable Mary Ward: https://ibvm.us/love-and-speak-the-truth/
The vision is to move the lessons of life and faith to a worldview that is open, ageless and transforming.