Spiritual journey towards Becoming One

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Following on from the Mary Ward booklet, entitled Mary Ward – a Pilgrim of Hope, we now take this hope forward into our six-month Spiritual Journey towards Becoming One, which through the extraordinary movement of the Spirit coincides with the Church’s year of Jubilee ‘Pilgrims of Hope’.
To begin this Spiritual Journey, for a moment, let go of your daily preoccupations and concerns and
engage in the act of stepping into the boat! The ‘boat’ is a symbolic representation of your
personal place of prayer, and of your prayerful journeying with others.

We are inviting you, as we enter the journey, to focus your attention on the painting of the boat
at sea. This was painted by Annie Bromham IBVM, an artist who gave much of her time to portraying something of her understanding of the Mary Ward charism.

She explained: The Boat was the vessel that carried Mary Ward from the troubled land she knew so well. It provided her with the means to follow her heart, which was to become a new kind of religious in the world of her time. Annie was keen for anyone who viewed this painting to imagine themselves in this little, but robust, boat.
It is not by chance that she has depicted three people on board, each one looking forward. They symbolise companions working together in the challenging seas of life, striving to arrive safely at the place of landing.

You’ll see the three oars – these further support the necessity of working together against all the
odds – for once in the sea, we don’t know the effects of the wind!

You will also see the mast, without a sail! – symbolising both the cross and the resurrection. This is the means by which the companions will reach their destination. Being inside the boat is an invitation to be on Mission. You may be curious to know what the diagonal line and yellowing paint is, to the bottom right ofthe painting – now it is your turn to interpret the image!

We suggest it may be helpful for you to sit with this painting from time to time as you engage with this Spiritual Journey.

The Journey has at its heart:

  • a monthly Core Activity
  • a Grace to pray for
  • some focus for prayer

All sisters and participating companions are asked to engage fully with this each month, adjusting it
freely to suit their circumstances. There will also be optional themed materials available every month for those wanting to engage more deeply, including body prayer, music, art, and even recipes to help us taste and share our diversity.

On the first (or first Monday) of each month from February to July, the material for that month will be shared with you by the nominated person in your region. All materials will also be available on both websites for you to access anytime, and also for you to respond and share your own journey if
you wish to.

A Padlet is available with all the material: https://padlet.com/mcloughlinrachel/mary-ward-women-sailing-to-new-horizons-ixty9km6ddb4gve0

We hope that by making this Spiritual Journey together, all will feel an enfleshed experience of

Design Team
Jen Bromham IBVM
Sujin Theresa Park CJ
Anita Braganza IBVM
Remya Sebastian CJ
Rachel McLoughlin IBVM
Monika Glockann CJ
Facilitator: Sarah Broscombe

CJ Generalate