Where we are

CJ Czech Republic

Mary Ward had attempted, unsuccessfully, to found a house in Prague in 1628. It was not until 1921 that the CJ were able to re-establish a presence in this part of Europe.

In 1949, with the onset of the communist regime, the sisters had to leave Štěkeň and go to Dobrá Voda. In 1989 they were able to return to Štěkeň and it is here that most of the sisters of Czech origin reside. There is a smaller, more apostolically active community in Prague.

During the communist period, Slovak sisters also worked in Horní Maxov and Košátky in Bohemia. Today some Slovak sisters still work in the Czech Republic.
In 2009 the Czech Province was incorporated into the Slovak Province.

To know more, visit their web: http://www.congregatio-jesu.tode.cz/

Church in Prague where the CJ sisters work.

Where we are

CJ Mozambique

CJ Myanmar

CJ General House, Rome

CJ Nepal

CJ Ukraine

CJ Slovakia

CJ Zimbabwe

CJ Mongolia

CJ in Philippines

CJ Romania

CJ Italy

CJ Hungary

CJ in South Tyrol

CJ Germany

CJ Czech Republic

CJ Austria

CJ Korea

CJ Cuba

CJ Chile

CJ Brazil

CJ India

CJ Argentina

CJ England

CJ Spain