About Us
We are an international congregation of sisters, spread over four continents. We were founded in 1609 by Mary Ward. Our Ignatian spirituality invites us to be apostolic women in the Church – contemplatives in action.
Who we are
We are an international congregation of about 1400 sisters in twenty-four countries spread over four continents. Our international centre is in Rome. We were founded by the Englishwoman, the Venerable Mary Ward, in 1609 as an institute of unenclosed apostolic religious women. Our Ignatian spirituality calls us to be: Our Name Our name ‘Congregatio Jesu’
Charism and Spirituality
Spirituality is essentially about how we see, experience, and respond to the world in which we live, and to God’s presence in it. Every religious congregation has a spirituality that reflects the spirituality of its founder, and this is known as its charism. Mary Ward, a woman close to God, wished to found an apostolic
General Leadership
The General Superior and the General Assistants were elected in August 2022 at the Part II General Congregation held in Nemi (Italy): Sr Veronica Fuhrmann CJ, General Superior (Middle European Province) and Sr Estela Clara Grignola CJ, Vicar General (Amerindian Province), Sr Pratima Pinto CJ (Delhi Province/India), Sr Helena Kang CJ (Korean Province), Sr Anna
“Vocation” – a word that tastes of MORE, of what Saint Ignatius of Loyola called “THE MAGIS”: Longing, meaning, fullness of life, a task and the experience of being needed. It sounds like someone who is calling me personally and with whom I can give my life a unique shape. If you are looking for
Publications and Talks
If you want to find out more about Mary Ward and her charism and about our spiritual and theological approach, you can find relevant information in these publications and talks. To read each article please click on the icon.
Partners and Links
The CJ is connected to other religious orders and Catholic institutions. Find out more about our partners.

Online campaign launch: MARYWARDFORSAINT
19 January, 2024
We signed the petition #MaryWardForSaint as we are convinced that the Cause of our foundress deserves every possible support.

9 April, 2020
One of our missions is prayer. Learn more about our common prayers.

Song and video: Mary Ward’s Prayer
30 January, 2024
A new song with the words of one of Mary Ward's most famus prayers invites us to sing and pray.