Our last ELM took off to a prompt start on 19th May at 11 am CET. Prisca gave a warm welcome to all the Province and Regional leaders and co-leaders and to Veronica Fuhrman of the Middle European province who represented Cosima who could not be present, to our last on line ELM together. This time our ELM was special in that it was an opportunity to gratefully look at the past as well as listening from the heart to each other providing a closure that was satisfying and life giving. It was a different experience since most of the participants had only online experience of ELMs to look back at. The prayer led by Estela was a wonderful starter, the group being called on to be a sea of flames to light up our world bringing in fire and energy in our mission as Mary Ward women.
The reflection focused on our learnings as a “Synodal” group from all the ELMs we had, throughout our term of office from 2012 to 2022 and also suggested whatever could be added new or taken forward into the future. The sharing was moderated by Prisca who called on Jane to express her heart’s sentiments on behalf of the team. Jane expressed her deep gratitude for each one, in her usual moving style including the translators and secretaries and anyone who contributed in any way. Her message left everyone with feelings of gratitude and a certain nostalgia for our days together. Our sharing went in clock-wise precision and we were in very good time for the launch of the book “Teresa Ball and Loreto Education” by Deidre Raftery in the UISG building. Monica Cojan led us in a beautifully prepared Closing prayer. Everyone said Goodbye, Adios and Auf Wiedersehen to each other on screen until we meet in Nemi for GC Part 2 in August.
Prisca Vadakepoondikulam