Introduction to the Covid 19 section

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In the prayer that we have been praying for several months in preparation for General Congregation 2020 – now General Congregation 2021 – we ask God to “help us to be aware of the realities and needs of our times and to respond to them with love and courage”.  When we began praying the prayer, we could not have imagined how much and how quickly the realities and needs of our times would change.  We all know that C-19 is changing our world and that we will never return to the world we knew before – and we know that God’s invitation in that is for us all to work together to make our world a better one, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable of our sisters and brothers.  In the light of this new reality we have created a new section of this website to reflect some of the changes we are witnessing and we have invited members to share with us either their own reflections or their practical responses to the needs they have seen emerging.

We hope to continue receiving contributions to this section of the website – so, if you have anything you want to share please send it to [email protected] so that it can be shared with us all.

Carla Bellone