At the end of November, Sr Jane Livesey CJ and Sr Noelle Corscadden IBVM accepted the proposal of Fr John Dardis SJ and the Jesuit Curia Communications Office to record a short video on the Becoming One Process.
Finally, we are happy to share with all of you the result of this short ‘interview’. Below you will find two links: the first one will enable you to download the video to your device; the second one will enable you to watch the video online.
We would like to thank Fr John Dardis SJ and the Jesuit Curia Communications Office for the opportunity given to us and a special thanks to Sr. Jane and Sr. Noelle for having agreed to share once again the great journey we are walking towards the Becoming One.
“Venerable Mary Mard, pray for us and give us your spirit“
Please click the link to download the video:
Or click the link to watch the video online: