The Brazilian Province Congregation took place on 7, 8 and 9 September, in our retreat house, Itapecerica da Serra, São Paulo.
We were 33 participants from CJ: of these, two were from Chile, one from Argentina, and one IBVM sister from Peru. Four lay people also participated for a whole day with us.
The Province Congregation was an unique experience because for the first time, in our Province, we had CJ and IBVM and lay people praying, reflecting, talking, interacting in a generative way about important topics, for the future of mission, as a preparation for General Congregation 2020.

Our Province Congregation was very much enriched with the presence of our companions from the other provinces, who brought their experience, joy, energy and the fire of the same spirit that unites us. Our lay collaborators and Friends of Mary Ward gave us the richness of their viewpoint on the topics we were discussing about. They felt themselves very privileged and trusted by our invitation to be with us, participating in the group discussions giving their contribution.
What I would like to emphasize is not so much the result of the discussions we had there, but the joint pursuit to prepare GC 2020 to be fit for mission in the future of the CJ. That happened in that Province Congregation 2019.