
Celebrating of the 60th Anniversary of the Congregatio Jesu in Korea

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The CJ Korean Province celebrated a thanksgiving Eucharist to commemorate the 60th anniversary of its presence in Korea at the CJ Education Centre in Daejeon on 6 June.

The Eucharist was presided by Rev. Bishop Augustin Kim of the Daejeon Diocese and Rev. Bishop Andrea Choi of Guangju Archdiocese together with more than 30 priests. 450 people attended this Eucharist including 200 CJ Sisters, benefactors, friends and members of CJ associations.

It was a great joy for us to concelebrate the jubilee with Sr. Veronica Fuhrmann, the General Superior, and Sr. Helena Kang, the General Assistant from Rome who have been staying in Korea for a consultation visit since 11 May.

Also Sr. Cosima, the Provincial Superior of the Middle European Province, attended the jubilee celebration with other two MEP sisters. They shared the great joy with us and sisters expressed heartfelt gratitude for the continuous and generous spiritual and financial supports they have given to the Korean Province since the beginning of the CJ foundation in Korea.

Sr. Christine Burke, a member of the IBVM Australian and East Asian Province, also attended the celebration on behalf of Mary Wright, the Provincial Superior of the Province. Sr. Christine has been living in the CJ and IBVM international community in Manila helping our Korean sisters who are studying theology or learning English language.

Before the Eucharistic celebration, a statue of the venerable Mary Ward, the foundress of CJ and the pioneer of the education for women, was unveiled in the garden of St Mary’s High School.

Sr. Veronica spoke with love and encouragement: “The enthusiasm and dedication of the Korean members has made the province the second largest province in the entire Congregatio Jesu. I hope that this joy and gratitude today will encourage us all to face our future with unwavering trust in God’s help, total commitment and apostolic zeal.”

Sr. Hildegard Chang, the Provincial Superior of the Korean Province, expressed her deep gratitude and warm greetings. On behalf of all the members, she thanked Sr. Elisabeth Pak, Sr. Christina Song and Sr. Francisca Choi who were the pioneers of the Province and attended the celebration.

They have been in the Congregation for more than 60 years having trained and inspired younger members. We also remembered with love and gratitude the late Sr. Annunciata Pak, Sr. Gemma Uang and Sr. Luca Chung. They had totally committed and dedicated their lives to the education for the young and medical care for the poor.

The liturgy was also enriched by the renewal of vows made by five golden jubilarians and three silver jubilarians. Children from our St Mary’s Elementary School accompanied the celebration with their musical instruments and the girls’ choir from our St Mary’s High School sang beautiful songs to enrich the celebration.

The Jubilee celebration was ended with a reception. All participants enjoyed the reception sharing greetings to one another and exchanging their memories which has built up the whole history of the Korean Province.

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