
CJ, IBVM and the synod 2021-2023

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Dear friends in the Lord,

Warm greetings from Rome. We are writing to you as representatives of our Institutes for the synodal process of the Church.

Four months after the opening of this synodal process, we notice that there is movement in our Church and that we are seeing the seeds of something new sprouting. “Behold, I am about to do something new: it is already sprouting, do you not see it?” (Is. 43:19)

Reflecting on this process, we realize the importance of this historical moment and that we are protagonists at this time. In this call to “walk together as People of God”, we already perceive the small seeds of synodality that we are sowing as Mary Ward Family. It gives us joy to see that the processes we are living, both in the preparation for our General Congregations, as well as the discernment process of “Becoming One” and other processes within our Institutes are along this line of synodality. It seems that we could interpret this way of being Church as a sign of the times.

We want to thank you for all the efforts of so many sisters and companions involved in the dioceses, parishes, local and national churches in this first phase of the synod, whose objective is “the consultation of the People of God”. We, “like all members of the People of God, are called to make our prophetic and discerning contribution first of all in the particular churches in which we live our charism and exercise our ministry”. (cf. Letter of the Synod to the Superiors General January 2022).

We remember our sisters who, from the ministry of “The House of Prayer”, participate in a committed way with their prayer and offering. “The participation of all people is an irrevocable ecclesial commitment” says the Pope Francis.

Much encouragement for our journey together.

Sr Elenea and Sr. Macarena

PS. In the future, you will find all entries about the synodal process under this link:

Letter 1 of Sisters Elena and Macarena in different languages

Esther Finis