Covid-19 has been instrumental in bringing about some changes in the CJ Generalate as in other places. The pandemic not only forced us to postpone the General Congregation for one year, but it has also influenced our way of communicating with our extended leadership group of Provincial and Regional Superiors. In earlier years, we met with all the Provincial and Regional Superiors at least every other year or even every year. Now this is not possible, as borders are still closed and no one from Asia, Africa or South America would get a visa to come to Rome.
This led the Generalate to look for other ways to stay in relationship with the group. On Monday, 25 May 2020, we had our first virtual meeting of all the Provincial and Regional Superiors, the members of the Generalate and three translators via ZOOM. It was a delightful experience to see the smiling faces on the screen. After the introduction and prayer, Jane shared with all about various matters, including the new General Congregation website, the new logo and about the plans for continuing community conversations through the period between now and the General Congregation in July –August 2021. At the end of the online meeting, the chat box was used by many to express their gratitude for this new experience of “the union of minds and hearts”.
First virtual meeting of the CJ Extended Leadership team via ZOOM