In exactly one month’s time, we will officially begin the General Congregation 2021-22 Part 2, which will be held in presence in Nemi, near Rome, from 22 August to 8 September.
Part 2 will take up the topics addressed last year in Part 1, which, due to the pandemic, was conducted online, and will see the election of the new General Leadership team.
The months that have gone by since the conclusion of GC Part 1 have not stopped the process that began on 14 July 2021: all the delegates have been involved in faith-sharing circles meetings during which, inspired by the Word of God, they have been able to pray together and deepen their knowledge of each other.

During the first half of 2022, three online meetings of the whole GC Body were also held. These had the two purposes of keeping alive the bonds between the members and helping them to remain connected to GC Part 1 in preparation for GC Part 2, when the delegates, the steering group and support staff, will finally meet in presence and work side by side to meet the needs of a changing world. This world is challenged by the pandemic that shows no sign of ending, by wars that bring destruction and death, by climate change that causes environmental disasters, amplifies inequality, and poses us important questions. What is God calling us to today? How do we respond to His call in mission as CJ and what do we need to let go of in order to do so?
Besides these, many other topics will be discussed during the three weeks we will spend in Nemi, and the delegates will be called to elect the next General Leadership who will have the task of accompanying the whole Body of the CJ in responding to the concrete needs of the world, for the greater glory of God.

Therefore, we invite you to join us in prayer during this last month of preparation and especially during the General Congregation, certain that the Venerable Mary Ward will be with us throughout our journey.
Venerable Mary Ward, pray for us and give us your spirit.
Carla Bellone