Almost all communities are doing something to alleviate the suffering of those who suffer most. Our sisters in the nursing home have committed themselves to pray for the victims of Covid-19 and for the families of those who died. The same happens in all the communities through celebrations and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. In some communities one hour every day.
Some of our communities and our schools are taking the following initiatives: distribution of basic food and hygiene products for the unemployed people, alcohol gel, diapers for an old people’s home, milk for a day-care centre for children, hygiene products and food for street people.
We are supporting the project of the parish church, financially, so that they can buy items for meals that is offered for people who live on the streets and slums in some areas São Paulo.
In the provincial house we are producing masks for people who live on the street of the project where Sr. Andeiziane works and other places.