Today, on the 14th July 2021, we begin our meeting to prepare for the General Congregation. 59 participants – 51 CJ and 8 IBVM – will gather online for this Pre-GC Discernment Process. They will be helped in their discernment by the steering group and by the secretariat, translators and technology support.
Much preparation has been done for the event, but we know that finally it is in the hands of the Holy Spirit. For this reason the most important contribution to the event is the prayer of us all that those of us who are participating in the discernment do so with an open heart, an open mind and an open will.
It is for this disposition in each of the participants that we earnestly invite your prayers.
We will begin each plenary session with an opening prayer. Those prayers will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. The streaming begins at 12:30 PM CET on the following days:
14th July: Opening liturgy
18th July: Opening prayer
19th July: Opening prayer
20th July: Opening prayer
21st July: Opening prayer
24th July: Opening prayer
25th July: Opening prayer
28th July: Opening prayer
29th July: Opening prayer
31st July: Feast of Saint Ignatius
2nd August: Opening prayer
3rd August: Opening prayer
4th August: Opening prayer
6th August: Opening prayer
7th August: Opening prayer
8th August: Closing liturgy
To learn more about the GC and the preparations, please follow this link: https://www.congregatiojesu.org/gc2022/
To join us in prayer, you can find inspiration in the prayer section of this website: https://www.congregatiojesu.org/pray-with-us/