This year, at the end of the Laudato Si’ Special Year (May 2020-May2021), our Mary Ward Family (IBVM/CJ) launched the Laudato Si’ Action Plan: Mary Ward Family Living Laudato Si’ Action Plan. This was done on an online event which was held on 16th June, it brought together more than 600 participants. The 7-year Action Plan is designed to encourage and motivate members, collaborators, partners, students, teachers and Friends of Mary Ward to commit to achieving total conversion to take care of our Common Home.
The Action Plan is a road map for our two branches and our wider Mary Ward family for the next 7 years, in relation to care for our Common Home and the living out of an “integral ecology”. It is our response to the call of Pope Francis to take practical steps to take care of our Common Home and at the same time, it is a gospel challenge, to each one of us to long term commitment to living out the values of Laudato Si.’ (Text and photo Adina CJ)