The subject of this years Mary Ward week is: Mary Ward – a special gift to our world.
In the introdocution to the booklet with input for each day of the Mary Ward Week 2020, Sr Prabina IBVM and Sr Manjusha CJ from India, who put the booklet together, write:
Mary Ward is a special gift to the world, as Pope Pius XII rightly describes “that incomparable woman, whom England, in her darkest and bloodiest hour, gave to the Church.” We are in continuous need of Divine-churning to mould us into dangerous visionaries like Mary Ward, to respond to the needs of our time. “In every age and in every country we find many “perfect” women who, despite persecution, difficulties and discrimination, have shared in the Church’s mission,” said Pope John Paul II in his encyclical on women, “Mulieris Dignitatem,” mentioning her with other women. A spiritual journey with Mary Ward is a search for the Divine, who is always more than what we know and experience, as well as a call to identify ourselves with the poor and the needy, without fear.
You can download the booklet in different languages here:
Mary Ward Week English
Mary Ward Week German
Mary Ward Week Spanish
Mary Ward Week Italian
Mary Ward Week Hungarian
Mary Ward Week Portuguese
Mary Ward Week Romanian
Mary Ward Week Korean
Mary ward Week Slovak