The meeting of the Animators and Ambassadors in view of planning phase II of the process of “Getting to know” the members of both the Mary Ward Congregations took place on 7th January on zoom. The ambassadors have grown in number. Now they are 30 but only 29 could be present. After a beautiful prayer song the “New Girls” were heartily welcomed and introduced to the entire group by Judy IBVM. They are: Margarita Riquelme CJ (Amerindia Province), Letizia Galbusera CJ (Latin European Province), Ana Maria Tampu CJ (Latin European Province), Simone Remmert CJ (Middle European Province), Nancy Edamanasserril CJ (Nepal), Jùlia Milcovà CJ (Slovak Province), Mary Di Girolamo IBVM (Canadian Province) and Teresa McGlinchey IBVM (Irish Province).There was a quick but warm welcome and introduction of all the ambassadors by relevant animators thus the “New Girls” getting “two doses”!
The heart of the meeting was the sharing in groups named after flowers. In these groups ideas were shared about how to take forward this process concretely in the coming months till June after which immediate preparation for the GCs of both the IBVM and the CJ will become more intense and focused. The group work brought up some concrete ideas which also included a request for further clarity on the canonical meaning and implication of “merger” and “union”. The meeting was a very happy and friendly experience for all participants and all were very grateful to the translators Isabel IBVM and Carla and to Frantiska CJ our patient technician. The lingering good byes and digital applauses showed the enthusiasm of the participants!
Prisca CJ