
News from Uzghorod – Slovak Province

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We are very happy to share with you this e-mail and the accompanying photos from our sisters in Uzhgorod and Seredne in western Ukraine, who are now welcoming their fellow countrymen and women fleeing from the war.  We know that, like us, you are keeping them, our sisters in Kyiv and all the people in Ukraine in your prayers.  We pray, as ever, with Mary Ward that Jesus may “have them in His keeping”.

Dear sisters and friends

we are living the fourteenth day of war. The war that destroys and kills, the war that kills humanity and dignity in human hearts…
We are doing our best to relieve the pain experienced by people fleeing the bombardment. In our CJ social centre in Uzhgorod and in our house in Seredne we receive displaced people. Some of them travel further, seeking safety for their children crossing the Slovak border. We help them to cross the border and direct them to good people we know right away. And some settle here for a longer period of time. We also try to help people with humanitarian aid that we receive from our sisters in Slovakia via Magis and the Czech Republic, and from the Slovak humanitarian organization Smile as a Gift. We then distribute this humanitarian aid for the Ukrainian soldiers, for the displaced people in our country, and we also move on to where there is a humanitarian crisis.
Thank you for your prayers and also for all the efforts to help us and those most affected by the war.

Sisters Kristína, Marietta and Xénia from Uzghorod.

Carla Bellone