The angels adorn the windows of the Bar Convent in York as a result of a project masterminded by Lauren our marketing manager. She wrote to our Catholic schools with a template of an angel to decorate. She asked them to write a prayer or dedicate the angel to someone they love. Here are some examples:
” My Guardian Angel look after my family especially my Grandad.”
“Thank you for helping me to be kind and have courage in myself. ”
“This amazing angelic angel is dedicated to my grateful grandad who was already like an angel in heaven. I thank you for sending him down here, letting me have the unimaginable gift of being his granddaughter for all this time.”
“We pray for all our friends and ask Covid 19 will leave our world.”
We are hoping to send out messages to all who pass the Bar Convent that they are not alone but surrounded by love given to us by God and especially through the birth of His only Son Jesus.