The Congregation of Jesus in Slovakia has responded to the request of the Slovak government regarding the Covid-19 crisis to join the volunteering teams and help the repatriants during their stage at the quarantene centres in Slovakia. Our Slovak members, Laura and Veronika have worked from 2nd May at a centre in Banská Štiavnica (mid Slovakia) and Magdaléna and Lucia Vojtašáková have served the repatriants in the quarantene centre in Banská Bystrica from 29th April 2020. They register the repatriants, bring them food, help them in practical issues and are ready to give them any human and spiritual support they might need. Our CJ member s in Banská Bystrica work in the team with two Capuchin fathers. Here are a few pictures showing them at work.
The response of the Slovak Province to Covid-19