Ignacio Ellacuría SJ was a Catholic priest, Jesuit, philosopher and theologian who was born in 1930 in Spain. He got reknowned through his work as a professor and Rector of the Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA), a university founded by Jesuits in San Salvador in 1965. Ellacuría was a close friend of the psychologist Ignacio Martín-Baró SJ and the philosopher Segundo Montes SJ and was murdered along with them and five other people in 1989 by members of the El Salvador army.
During this summer, Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ who lives in San Salvador and is a professor at UCA has published an article on the legacy of Ignacio Ellacuría, given the current political situation in El Salvador.
In her analysis, Sr. Martha deals with the theological and philosophical legacy of Ellacuría and relates it to the current political situation in El Salvador and the ongoing conflicts between the Global North and the Global South. You can read the full article in Spanish here: https://www.religiondigital.org/opinion/Ignacio-Ellacuria-situacion-politica-Salvador-Romero-Bukele-Maras_0_2470852901.html