On 25 and 27 January 2022, Sr. Elisabeth Cotter IBVM (Vice Postulator) and Sr. Elena Gatica Romero CJ (Postulator) met online with the Contact Persons for the Cause of Mary Ward.
Here are some impressions of two participants:
Online meeting on the Cause of Beatification of Mary Ward
The second group of Contact Persons for the Cause of Mary Ward met via zoom on 27 January. They included IBVM and CJ members and friends/associates of Mary Ward from Africa, Asia, America and Europe.
I am grateful for the dedication of Elisabeth Cotter and Elena Gatica to the Mary Ward Cause. It was a great joy to learn first-hand how Elisabeth, the Vice Postulator, is handling the process, with passion, professionalism and great dedication. During her input, Elisabeth shared with us what she had heard from Cardinal Amato: “Mary Ward belongs to the Church” and therefore we have a responsibility as an Institute to do what we can to advance this Cause. I feel that we have a treasure in our hands that we cannot keep to ourselves.
I was also struck by the question of whether we are living our role of making Mary Ward known as part of our Mission. This question has made me aware of the importance of actions however small, in support of the Cause, seeing them as part of our mission and not as one more action among the multiple tasks of everyday life.
Mary Ward belongs to the Church and to all human race and I want to share the great responsibility of making her known so that her testimony can serve as a “Light” that reflects Christ, helping to illumine so much darkness and lack of hope in people especially the young , both inside and outside the Church. Mary Ward is the heritage of humanity.
I am grateful for the testimony of the group of sisters with whom I shared because they have helped me to see that much is being done but that there is still a long way to go together, putting all our creativity at the service of this noble Cause.
Mary Ward walks with us to respond to God’s call today.
Esther Villahoz CJ Spanish Province
In the deepest depths of You & Me In the deepest depths of ‘Becoming One’ is ‘We’ And there lies this most ‘Beautiful Jewel’ Shining forth in ‘Us’ eternally- Venerable Mary Ward
This was my profound emotional experience on 27 January 2022, which marked a wonderful collaboration of hearts on fire – I saw our IBVM and CJ Sisters and Mary Ward Friends, with eyes full of knowledge and a clear vision of the Ministry of Mary Ward. It was my exclusive privilege to belong to this Global Family of Friends of Mary Ward Virtual gathering to witness the presentation of the Contact Person’s Mission for the Cause of Mary Ward. How amazing! is the miraculous effect of Mary Ward growing in leaps and bound in the lives and vision of the multitude far and wide, that was visible in the overwhelming responses across so, so, many countries, that is all really happening. Kudos and hats off to Elizabeth Cotter in meticulously preserving them in volumes as records! I am reminded of the song ‘Little drops of water, little grains of sand, makes the mighty ocean and the beauteous land.’
It evoked in me a still greater responsibility to myself and others. I further pray for grace to be this One Voice, One People with a Hope- The Beatification of Venerable Mary Ward that will surely bear fruit.
Caroline Gahlot, St. Francis’ Convent Inter College CJ, Jhansi, India