Today, 1st February 2024, we welcome our new General Bursar, Sr Anna Schenck CJ from Germany, Middleeuropean Province. Sr Anna was born in Augsburg in 1976. and studied religious studies with a focus on Islam and the relation between religion and politics. Soon after her graduation she discovered her talents in management and economics. “So I worked in different posts trying to put those skills at the service of the well-being of others, especially the needy”, Sr. Anna remembers.
“This is also how I understand my work as a general bursar: as a service to the apostolate of the whole congregation. It was through the Ignatian spirituality that I got in touch with the Congregatio Jesu, today living my vocation in the footsteps of Mary Ward fills me with joy.” Welcome to your new mission, Sr Anna!

With the beginning of Sr Anna, we also have to say Goodbye to Sr. Lucia Boasa CJ who has served as General Bursar since 2016. Her dedication and commitment – also as sister in chargefor the community in Via Nomentana – has made a huge difference for the whole body of our congregation. Thank you very much, Sr. Lucia!
Find out more about the General Leadership here: https://www.congregatiojesu.org/about-us/general-leadership/