
Advent in our Mary Ward Family

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Advent, a time of waiting, a time during which we prepare for the birth of Jesus, Our Lord.

This year we thought we would like to live Advent together, even if virtually, to share how the Mary Ward Family around the world prepares for the coming of the Saviour. It will be a way to feel even more part of this big family and will give us the opportunity to get to know and discover new traditions and ways of living. It will be like taking each other by the hand and going through these weeks leading up to Christmas together as CJ and IBVM sisters, students and schoolgirls of the two branches all over the world, lay collaborators and friends of Mary Ward who, at this time 400 years ago, was on her way to Rome.

We ask you to send us your testimony by e-mail to Carla Bellone at [email protected] in any form you wish: a short text, a personal reflection, a drawing, a picture, a simple sentence, a prayer…everything will be published on our website in the blog section and also on the Union’s website because, even towards Christmas, we walk as one family accompanied by one founder, the Venerable Mary Ward.

Carla Bellone