As the total lockdown in Italy will continue until at least the beginning of May, we celebrated the Easter Triduum in the house itself, with the sisters who are living here at present: the members of the Generalate, the Roman community and the six UISG Formation course participants who are with us until June.
We are grateful that we could celebrate both the Mass of the Last Supper and the Easter Vigil Mass online with Pope Francis. For Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we prepared our own Liturgy of the Word and received communion.
As the weather was so beautiful, we had a barbecue lunch outside on Easter Monday to bring the triduum to a pleasant and friendly conclusion.
This year’s Easter Alleluia was a quieter one, the decoration more simple, but the inner joy that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead was felt even more deeply.
The extraordinary Easter surprise was from the Korean province. The sisters made very pretty looking and strong, washable masks to protect us from being infected by Covid-19 when we are allowed to go out again. We are very grateful to them! (text and photos/eka)