“¡Mantengan el sentido del humor en la congregación! (Papa Francisco)”

Bienvenida/o a la Congregatio Jesu

Somos la Congregatio Jesu, una congregación de religiosas fundada por una inglesa, Mary Ward, en 1609. Hoy, inspiradas por su visión, vivimos y trabajamos en todo el mundo como compañeras de Jesús en la misión. Estamos llamadas a ser mujeres de esperanza para llevar esperanza.


Para conectarse con nosotras a través de las redes sociales

On every 30th of each month, we present living examples of CJ and ibvm being one. Today, read this report from the Philippines: https://www.congregatiojesu.org/30-august-being-one/

It is the 23 again, another day of prayer, solidarity and benediction for the Mary Ward Family worldwide. On every 23 of each month, we pray for the Cause of our foundress, the Venerable Mary Ward. We unite our prayers for peace and for the sick, intensify our commitment for the poor and send ...thoughts and good wishes to other Mary Ward Family members, sisters and lay persons.

We invite you to oray with us: Venerable Mary Ward, pray for us and give us your spirit.