Publicaciones y charlas
Si quieres saber más sobre Mary Ward y su carisma y sobre nuestro enfoque espiritual y teológico, puedes encontrar información relevante en estas publicaciones y charlas.
Para leer cada artículo haga clic en el icono.
Mary Ward
- Mary Ward and Teresa Ball Sr. Gemma Simmonds CJ, 2017
- Bearers of a Dangerous Memory: The Prophetic Legacy of Ward (speech) Elaine McDonald, 2017
- Bearers of a Dangerous Memory: The Prophetic Legacy of Ward (Presentation) Elaine McDonald, 2017
- Sharing a treasure: Mary Ward’s Just Soul experience Sr Chris Burke IBVM
- What attracts me to religious life Sr Magdalena Winghofer CJ, 2016
- Volunteering: Love and Freedom Theodora Hawksley, 2015
- Mary Ward – Interesting bites of history: Inherited justice Sr Ursula Dirmeier CJ, 2015
- Mary Ward Sr Jane Livesey CJ, 2014
- The four marriage proposals which were made to Mary Ward as a child Sr Ursula Dirmeier CJ, 2014
- Mary Ward – Interesting bites of history: Unrequited love Sr Ursula Dirmeier CJ, 2014
- The Just Soul: 12 Reflections Sr Ursula Dirmeier CJ, 2013
- Mary Ward – Interesting bites of history: Make the sleeves longer Sr Ursula Dirmeier CJ, 2013
- Homily on the occassion of a mass for Mary Ward Archbishop Vincent Nichols, 2010
- Mary Ward 400 Jubilee Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, on Mary Ward on January 23rd 2010
- On Mary Ward: Thinking Faith Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ, 2010
- Mary Ward Symposium Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ, 2009
- Mary Ward Symposium – Response to Sr. Gemma Simmons CJ Sr Mary Wright IBVM, 2009
- Mary Ward Lecture Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ, 2009
- Gill Goulding CJ on Mary Ward, an Ignatian Exemplar Sr Gill Goulding CJ, 2009
- Theology and Biography: a Woman Political Theologian in El Salvador Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ, 2009
- Mary Ward Sr Gill Goulding CJ, 2009
- Mary Ward’s address to her companions and friends Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ, 2009
- Priests and People: Women’s religious life Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ, 2002
- Fourth Centenary of the birth of Mary Ward Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, January 1985
Espiritualidad y Teología
- Reflections on Mary Ward on Good Shepherd Sunday Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ
- El Pueblo te hizo santo Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- Ignatius of Loyola – Falling in Love with God Sr Jane Livesey CJ
- Einfach menschlich – so wie Jesus: Überlegungen zum Wesen des Ordenslebens Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- Oscar Romero and the martyred people of El Salvador (Power Point) Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- Oscar Romero and the martyred people of El Salvador Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- Invitation to an open-eyed mysticism Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- The Price of Truth Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- The authority of those who suffer Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- The Congregatio Jesu – Ecology and Charism Sr Frances Orchard CJ
- Mysticism of Mission Sr Martha Zechmeister CJ
- A Church of Passion and Hope Sr Gill Goulding CJ
- A Theological Reflection on Forgiveness Sr Gill Goulding CJ
- Gemma Simmonds CJ on Religious Life in the Third Millennium Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ