Today Mary Ward Week begins! As usual we will be accompanied by a resource booklet. As Sr. Veronica Fuhrmann CJ and Sr Noelle Corscadden IBVM write in their letter to the whole CJ and IBVM membership the boooklet “..has been collated and edited by two members from India, Tomsy Madathumpadickal CJ and Sudha Arul IBVM. The contributions reflect our diversity and our international Mary Ward family. In this year’s booklet we listen to Mary Ward’s own words, and reflect on a selection of her letters.
We hope that as you reflect on Mary Ward’s own words that you will find encouragement and inspiration for your living the gospel in these times. As always you are invited to share it as widely as possible with your colleagues, students, Friends of Mary Ward circles and other friends of Mary Ward.”
You can downlod the booklet in pdf here:
Venerable Mary Ward, pray for us and give us your spirit