Our General Superior, Sr Veronica Fuhrmann CJ, and the Vicar General, Sr Estela Clara Grignola CJ, had the opportunity to meet and speak with Pope Francis personally at the audience in St Peter’s Square on Wednesday, 17 April 2024.
Sr Estela has known Pope Francis for a long time – they both come from Argentina and met there many years ago. For Sr Veronica, it was her first meeting with the Pontiff.

The Pope was delighted to see Sr Estela, a familiar face among the guests. During the conversation, he enquired about the Congregatio Jesu and its sisters. Sister Veronica and Sister Estela reported that the sisters pray for his intentions and support his mission.
Both clearly expressed that the Ignatian availability is also an important concern of our congregation in our time. They assured Pope Francis that they would be ready if he had special tasks for the sisters of our congregation. Pope Francis gave his blessing to Sr Veronica and Sr Estela and all the sisters of the CJ. And a recommendation: “Keep a sense of humour in the congregation!”