
Messages for the start of the Online Discernment Process

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We received many encouraging messages for the start of our Online Discernment Process and we are happy to share them with you.

Dear Sisters, One and All,

We celebrate with you this opening day of the long awaited GC! May the Spirit of God and that of Mary Ward flow through all of your conversations, dreams and decisions.

Our prayers are with you as you discern the way forward into a future full of hope.

With love and great regard,
Your IBVM Sisters of the US Region

Fresh flowers from India to all of you in G.L. team. Best of luck and God’s blessings in abundance for the Pre GC.

The IBMV Spanish Province joins you in this time of discernment. We ask that you open yourselves to the action of the Spirit and respond as Mary Ward would today.

Dear Sister Jane

As a small sign that we are thinking of you, the entire Generalate and the delegates of the General Congregation, I send you this picture from Pasing and with it, so to speak, Jesus as a companion for the coming – certainly not easy – weeks!

What we can do, we also want to do very intensively: accompany you all in these days with our prayers!

May the Holy Spirit be with you!

With warm greetings from all the Sisters


Esther Finis