On 14 July 2021, the Online Discernment Process of the Congregatio Jesu began. The time of preparation for the General Congregation began with a solemn online liturgy in which all participants expressed their willingness to commit themselves wholeheartedly to the process over the next three and a half weeks.
Jane Livesey, the Superior General of the Congregatio Jesu, and an equal participant in the discernment process for the duration of the process, emphasised in her opening address: “All voices are equal in this open circle of discernment that we are forming from today. As in No 22 of the Painted Life, we are all now sitting on chairs of the same height as equals. From the moment our proceedings begin, we cease to be members of this or that Province or Region and we become participants in a process that has the good of the whole congregation – and in that I include our IBVM sisters – at its heart. “

Sr Jane pointed out what is the essential aim of this process: “The first part is the work of going deeper in sensing together, as a discerning body, the realities of our Body and our world. […] The purpose is to better understand realities which are not our own and, in particular what might need to change in the Body as a whole in order for it to become more “future fit” for its mission. This includes discerning what we might need to let go of in order to foster and co-create the future for mission in the years ahead.”
In the coming weeks, the participants will meet daily for faith sharing circles. In plenary sessions they will deal with the reality of the Congregatio and the world and discern communally what conclusions the Holy Spirit leads them to draw from this for the future.
We welcome all who pray with us and for us during this important time.