29 July: Even in the difficulties
“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Mt 26, 39)
God does not want suffering. He helps us to bear what we cannot change.
God showing her what great adversities, persecutions and trials she would have to encounter in accomplishing His holy will, she joyfully declared herself ready to accept all of them
Mary Ward: Inscription on picture 42 of the Painted Life
May it please Him, who is the eternal life of all who truly live, to give us His grace in abundance, so that we may always sense and fully fulfil His most holy will
St. Ignatius to Francisco de Javier on 31 January 1552
We pray:
- Your will be done here on our earth and also through us.
- For the different religions of the world that they work together for peace and justice.