On Monday 12 October 2020, Selvi IBVM , the last of the six students who lived with us, returned to East Timor. Amelia, a Franciscan sister from South Africa was the first one who left us, as early as July, as she had sisters of her own congregation here in Italy. In August Rosaline IBVM went back to Kenya. Chetana CJ and Pratima Tudu CJ had to wait until 23 September to return to Patna. The course had finished at the end of June. The last one was Selvi. All of them stayed with us since January to do the formation course offered by the “Union of International Superiors General” (UISG). With lots of new ideas, refreshed and renewed, they will continue accompanying young women in discerning their vocation at different stages of religious life. For the sisters of the Roman community and the members of the Generalate it was such an enrichment and blessing to have these sisters with us. We miss them. Covid 19 had a big impact on them, as all the sessions of the course had to be online and they very seldom met the other participants in the course and at the end it was also very difficult to return to their home country. (text and photos/eka)
Now, all our students have returned to their home countries