
Provincial Congregation 2024 of the MEP

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What do we need to lead our community well into the future? How do we organise our life together as a shrinking community? These and other questions were the focus of the Provincial Congregation of the Central European Province 2024, which took place in Passau from 2 to 6 January.

In addition to sisters from Germany, Austria, South Tyrol and Hungary, the junior sisters and the spokespersons of our companions also took part. The days were moderated by Fr Christof Wolf SJ.

Together, the participants identified important topics for the future of the Central European Province: living together, mission(s), attitudes and dealing with the historical heritage. The topics were discussed individually, in pairs on so-called Emmaus walks, in small groups and in plenary sessions. This resulted in many new insights and perspectives. Younger and older sisters realised that they have common hopes for the future and concrete ideas for implementation much more often than previously assumed.

Among other things, a new “storytelling format” was developed and trialled for the first time. This involves sisters telling their fellow sisters about their missions – i.e. their professional tasks and the spiritual character of their way of life, for example as part of the apostolic community. In this way, the tasks to which individuals are sent become a purpose in life that the others can make their own, accompany in prayer and support with active benevolence. In this way, new forms of living together and a sense of community can develop and grow beyond the boundaries of individual communities.

In an intensive exchange, the Provincial Congregation also dealt with the historical legacy of Mary Ward and her early companions, which is present in the Central European Province. The participants encouraged the Provincial Council to make the materials accessible for research and, in particular through digitisation, to give sisters and friends of Mary Ward worldwide an even more intensive insight into the apostolic significance of the historical testimonies from our history.

The assembly ended with thanks to the many sisters who helped with the organisation and implementation, the decoration of the conference rooms, the content and music of the liturgy and the work units, and to the two translators who made it possible for the Hungarian-speaking sisters to participate intensively.

You can find more photos on the website of the MEP:

CJ Generalate