Mary Ward Week 2024 is all about the song: “Lead us on, Mary Ward” written by Deidre Browne IBVM. There is an impulse for each day of the week, from 23 to 30 January, inspired by this song.
The daily inspirations were created by various sisters of the CJ and the IBVM under the direction of Mariana Ojeda CJ and Christa Parra IBVM.
Read and meditate the daily inspirtaions here: https://www.congregatiojesu.org/prayer-category/mary-ward-week/
We can also use the possibilities of the internet to connect with other sisters, companions and friends of Mary Ward. There is a “Padlet” – a kind of digital pinboard. There, anyone who wants to can write down their thoughts on the daily impulses and read and meditate on those of others: https://padlet.com/mcloughlinrachel/mary-ward-booklet-2024-q7kotwveok6phqr8
And here is the song: