From August 7-10 2019 the congregation took place in the conference centre at San Fabián de Alico with 24 Chilean sisters participating. In view of the unification of the Latin American provinces and the reunion of the branches, one CJ sister from Argentina, two CJ sisters from Brazil and one IBVM sister from Peru participated as guests.
We lived moments of reflection, prayer, contemplation of the ‘corner of grateful memory’, group and plenary sessions, and coming together.
We were also able to profit from the presence, collaboration and valuable contributions of lay people, such as Mr. Jaime Coiro, assistant general secretary and spokesperson for the Episcopal Conference, who shared with us our current national and ecclesial reality; of Mrs. Adela Cornejo and Mrs. Marlín Muñoz, both with experience in our schools, who shared with us their perception, as lay women, of our life and mission as CJ religious.
In spite of the fact that outside we had temperatures below zero, internally the atmosphere in which our Provincial Congregation developed was very warm and welcoming, with great depth in the sharing, listening and generative speaking within the dialogues of group work, and with a very good disposition and openness to the topics that were approached. It was an encounter from a position of truth telling.
Likewise, the Provincial Congregation elected the delegate who will attend the General Congregation 2020 in Rome, the sister elected being Yamilet Veas, current provincial secretary and member of the provincial council.