A final reflection
From all that we have considered of Mary Ward’s life, we can see that ‘resurrection moments’ are more than simply the gift of joy in the Lord after times of difficulty – though, as in his own story, risen life comes after suffering. For him, death and resurrection at the first Easter meant a new beginning, relating to his friends and followers, being present with them, in a new way, no longer limited by time and space. The resurrection moments in Mary Ward’s life were gifts of new beginnings, of clearer insight into what she had learned through past experience, and its meaning in God’s plan for her and for her Institute; encouragement and strength to go on, in spite of suffering; a reminder that God asks us to do our part, that he works with and through us, especially in times of difficulty. It is not enough simply to love and trust him, as Mary Ward discovered in the Anger. We can share in those moments, seeing how they can help us to see parallels in our own lives.
Let us spend some time today reflecting on her experience, and on our own, praying that we may see what he is now showing us through it, and be faithful, as she was, until we also come to the fullness of Resurrection.
Sr. Patricia Harriss CJ