The initiative “Creating a culture of guardianship” promoted by the UISG and USG is currently offering an international workshop on abuse and protection in religious institutes. ‘Creating a culture of protection’ is the title of the workshop, promoted by the two Unions of Superiors and Superiors General (USG-UISG), on which 132 participants, coming from 90 congregations and representing 39 different nationalities, are called to discuss.
Sr. Estela, our Vicar General, and Sr. Anna, one of the General Assistants, are participating in this workshop and share its central objective: the creation of a culture of guardianship within religious congregations.
This meeting is an unprecedented opportunity for religious leaders from around the world to learn, share experiences and collaborate to promote a safe and inclusive environment for all members of religious congregations and the people they serve, especially minors and adults in vulnerable situations.
Therse are the five key points of the workshop:
- provide comprehensive training on steps to create a culture of safeguarding through protection and prevention;
- offer detailed information on the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults, including religious members and young people in formation;
- give survivors a voice, allowing them to share their stories;
- deepen knowledge on abuse prevention practices, including training, recruitment and policy implementation;
- explore ways to respond to problems, including handling allegations, the role of civil and canon law, caring for those affected by abuse, and communicating effectively with others.