The community of the sisters in Via Nomentana has grown since the end of January. Six sisters will stay with us until the end of June. They are all taking part in a formation course organized by the UISG (Union of the International Superiors General) here in Rome. There are 44 participants all together. All of them are either in a community of their own congregation or they have found a place in another religious community.
Two of the six sisters who live with us are already working as formators of young people interested in religious life. Others will take on this mission when they will be back in their Provinces/Regions.
They come from different Countries: three from India, one from Kenya, one from East Timor and one from South Africa. Three of them are Loreto Sisters, two belong to the CJ and one is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Sießen. They all had a good start and are now looking forward to the various formation modules that are yet to come. (Text and photos/eka)