Teaching during this period of Lockdown.
“Teaching in these times of COVID has been challenging. Some classes have been on Google, then there have been parents on the phone and now some pupils face to face at last. The examinations have been cancelled but each pupil has to be graded. This has been a painstaking work in order to ensure no pupil is disadvantaged.”
A different Lockdown experience
“Never have I enjoyed the unfurling of spring as much as this year. I have five bluebell woods near me and each one is breathtakingly beautiful. There has also been the joy of seeds planted, then sprouting and burgeoning. I have had my first crop of blackcurrants and my tomato plants are covered in flowers. There has also been the joy of watching three goldfinches from my kitchen window.
And O the blessed silence of no planes!
I find I have simply opened myself to the newness of each day rejoicing in my good health and enjoying the encounters and the kindness of the people around me and so realising that less can really be more….
What also strikes me is I have a renewed sense of solidarity; we are all in this together.”
Isolation has positive aspects:
“I find that isolation is not so difficult when the whole world is self isolating together. During this period I have had time to deal with my problems instead of avoiding them and seen how my fears decreased when I faced up to them. I feel I have experienced the real meaning of trusting in God because there is no alternative….
I have had practice in reaching out to others instead of waiting for them to reach out to me.
I have also felt humbled and inspired by the generous acts of selflessness and community spirit, both locally and all over the world.
I have felt gratitude for the beautiful Masses and evening prayers streamed from our parish church.
During this time I feel life has come into focus for me.”
And in conclusion:
“In some ways lockdown was a relaxing experience for me with no responsibilities or pressure.
On the other hand I found it hard to have only limited contact with my family and friends. I especially missed taking my granddaughter to school. It is also hard not knowing when I will be able to meet my newest grandchild.
Although lockdown is being eased, it will be a long time before I feel safe to resume normal life!”