Until the pandemic that has changed our world, Saturday 18 July would have been the first day of what was to be General Congregation 2020.
For the period from 17 July to 16 August we had planned to share a text from Mary Ward’s writings and an accompanying image on the GC website each day so that all across the whole Body of the CJ, and not just those at the General Congregation, could spend “31 Days with Mary Ward“.
Although we are no longer having our General Congregation this year, we would, nonetheless, like to invite you to spend a few moments with Mary Ward each day during that period of 31 days, praying with her for all our sisters and brothers who share our “common home” during these difficult times. You will find the text and image for each day, beginning this Friday, 17 July, the day of preparation for all those attending the General Congregation, on the Blog section of the website. The last day of the series will be Sunday 16 August, which would have been the first day of departures after the General Congregation.
As always when seeking Mary Ward’s intercession, we pray “Venerable Mary Ward, pray for us and give us your spirit”.