Since last Advent, the new General Council – the worldwide leadership team of our religious congregation – has been active in Rome. As not every sister can keep an eye on all Provinces and Regions worldwide at all times with the same intensity, each Province and Region has been assigned a responsible person within the General Council as the main contact person. For the Middle European Province, this is Sr. Estela Clara Grignola, who is also Vicar General.

In order to get to know the Province and especially the communities in Germany better, Sr Estela, together with Sr Františka Sedláková, the General Secretary, spent more than two weeks in various communities in June. The two guests from Rome travelled throughout the country and visited sisters from Hanover to Munich. Besides the Provincialate in Munich-Pasing, they were also guests in Munich-Nymphenburg, where they also visited the central archive of the Central European Province. In Hanover, they met with young sisters who belong to the apostolic community of the MEP. In Augsburg, Bamberg, Passau, Altötting, Simbach and Neuburg they took the opportunity to hear from elderly sisters about the missions they carry out and shared many of their experiences.

Of course, the German sisters also took the opportunity to answer many questions. A meeting with the two spokespersons of Mary Ward’s companions – the lay women who belong to the Middle European Province as Associates – rounded off the trip.

The MEP sisters are already looking forward to welcoming the two guests from Rome again for the visitation.