The Corona Virus is dramatically changing our lives. It has introduced a mentally draining situation for all of us. As religious we are called to serve the needy around us and offer what we can to help in alleviating the pain and anxiety of our neighbours. We, as a community decided to give our help on a smaller scale by sharing with them the produce from our garden.

When the lockdown began in the Gorkha district the poor people around were not prepared for it and had no food in reserve. Since God blessed our land we were able to help them. It was a good harvest this year so we were able to give fresh vegetables and fruit to our neighbours and co-workers. Many of them were struggling to feed their family since they were not allowed to go to the market due to the strict lockdown rules here. They were very happy when we shared our produce with them. We as a community thank God every day for blessing us with more than enough produce this year which has made it possible for us to share it with all those in need of our help.

In order to care for the people around us we decided to make little sacrifices every day keeping in mind the ultimate goal of our sacrifices. We as a community came to the conclusion that we could live more simply. The aim of this was to give the money we saved from eating more frugally to a family who is struggling at this time and help them out by giving them food. We also limited our celebrations especially of the Birthdays and Feast Days of our community members so that the money that we saved in this way could be added to our fund for helping the needy.
Knowing the importance of wearing a mask at this time of pandemic we decided to make masks and distribute them to the people around us thus making them aware of how important wearing a mask is for everyone. We also gave masks to all those who came to the school for various reasons. As we wanted our children in the school to know the need to wear masks when they move around we invited the children in our neighbourhood and gave them a mask each, instructing them of the importance of wearing it to protect themselves and others from getting infected by the virus.
If there is one good thing that will come out of this time of hopelessness and anxiety, it will be our desire and our ability to care for those in need. In order to care for the people around us we decided to make little sacrifices every day keeping in mind the ultimate goal of our sacrifices. We as a community came to the conclusion that we could live more simply. The aim of this was to give the money we saved from eating more frugally to a family who is struggling at this time and help them out by giving them food. We also limited our celebrations especially of the Birthdays and Feast Days of our community members so that the money that we saved in this way could be added to our fund for helping the needy.