La Ruah no se puede apagar – One can not exstinguish the Spirit

During the days 7 to 9 July 2019 we gathered to continue the process of “Perception of our reality” initiated in the communities in May.
By letting the world around us into our CP, we were deeply impacted by the naturalization of violence and a growing form of corrupt politics, oppressive economy, and cruel capitalism that leads us to populism in our region.
We see the rebirth of a free, fair and truthful spirituality thus the grace of the Just Soul, is good news for the world.

The realisation of the dignity of women learnt from Mary Ward, drives us to fight harder against all forms of slavery, trafficking and so many abused women: That there is so much abuse of power leads us to ask questions and shocks and hurts us.
We must look with mercy on all the migrants in our world.
The laity who work with us appreciate religious life and feel that the CJ brings a Magis to the world.
The younger sisters yearn to live from being more than doing. They challenge us to a more fraternal life that shows the human face of God. They dream of a more human, more communal, more circular, more open consecrated life. They invite us to review our ways of thinking, to be committed to the poor, to more flexible structures.

We feel the desire to live with coherence, leave fears behind and go on a mission:There is a desire for new paths. To be women of presence in the Kingdom. Grateful for Mary Ward’s gift to the world. Living the Just Soul with the laity gives us our identity and joy.